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max-width: 275px; } .fa { display: block; Meredith Jameson writes early childhood parenting and family health articles for various online publications. } position: relative !important; box-shadow: none; The bagless Miele Blizzard CX1 Excellence offers powerful cleaning performance with innovative Vortex Technology. color: #ffff00; border: solid 0px #ff9900; color: #ffffff; font-size: 30px; left: 0px !important; .partmenu a:hover { .bc-banner { } } Miele Blizzard CX1 Excellence – Design and Features While this step-down version of Miele’s Blizzard CX1 might be the entry-level in the range, … 25. padding-bottom: 18px color: #ffff66!important; #dropdown li { position: relative; font-weight: bold @import url(,700); float: right; #large_comparesystems td { top: 70px } With its optimal airflow, it achieves an extremely high air flow rate, giving dust no chance. } .tabcontainer .col-2 .col-2-3 { font-size: 24px; border: solid 0px #ff0000!important; #mainproductaddtocart:hover { } margin-top: -18px padding: 0; Blizzard CX1 Excellence White - Bagless Cylinder Vacuum Cleaners favorable buying at our shop It appears that your browser has JavaScript disabled. font-size: 13px; The power level is displayed on the appliance. border: solid 0px; color: #ff0000; .socialsfooter li { text-align: center margin: auto; } position: relative; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle; } background: #1861BD; .tabcontainer .col-2 .col-1-3 a { #___ratingbadge_0 { width: 100px; } color: #ff0000 Highlights . } .centralvacuumhelpright ul li:nth-child(4) { } h3 { } line-height: 1.1em float: left; It ensures sucked up fine dust particles don’t pass through. text-align: center; } @media (max-width:968px) { All products from Sanitaire, Bissell, ProTeam, Miele, Sebo, Vacuflo, NuTone, Purvac, Duovac, & DrainVac. background: #1861BD .page-title h1 { } .readmore, Sales Prices are not retroactive. ... циклонните прахосмукачки Miele осигуряват голям радиус на работа. } } left: 0; table.powerunits h5 { min-height: 102px .menu_bybrandlist, display: block!important ... Hygiene lifetime filter ... Blizzard CX1 Blue PowerLine - SKRF3. .main h2 { .prodsku { } #snize-search-results-grid-mode, .fa.fa-star-o { border-radius: 5px The bagless Miele Blizzard CX1 Cat & Dog offers powerful cleaning performance with innovative Vortex Technology. Blizzard CX1 Total Solution PowerLine - SKCF3 | Miele | Powerful cleaning performance thanks to vortex technology – 890 W Ergonomic, comfortable use thanks to the DeLuxe handle Reliably removes hair and lint with its turbo brush. font-weight: bold; width: 110px Blizzard CX1 PureSuction PowerLine - SKRE0 | Miele | Powerful cleaning performance thanks to vortex technology – 1200 W Maximum air hygiene with HEPA AirClean lifetime filter AllTeQ floorhead is ideal for hard floors and low-pile carpet. position: relative { #search { letter-spacing: 0; .products-list.completepack .listview-img .product-name a { position: relative; } Slide the filter holder into position inside the vacuum and close the exhaust filter compartment. .tabcontainer li.brandtext:hover a { padding: 0px !important; body { .menu_attachmentlist .newbrandlist li, }