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Weight : 185 à 220 g. DESCRIPTION: Northern White-faced Owl lives in savannahs, open and riverine woodlands and thornveld with acacias. All : Büscheleule Its plumage is soft grey with darker streaks and vermiculations. RAINBIRDER Photo galleries, HANDBOOK OF THE BIRDS OF THE WORLD Vol 5 by Josep del Hoyo-Andrew Elliott-Jordi Sargatal - Lynx Edicions - ISBN: 8487334253, BIRDS OF AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA by Ian Sinclair and Peter Ryan - Princeton University Press Princeton and Oxford - ISBN: 0691118159, Owls and Owling in Southern Africa by Warwick Tarboton and Rudy Erasmus - Tracey Hawthorne - ISBN: 1868721043. Hunting is done from a perch, with the owl swooping down on its prey on the ground. HABITAT: BEHAVIOUR: Northern White-faced Owls are strictly nocturnal spending the day in their cavity, and hunting at night among scrubs and bushes, woodlands and savannahs. PROTECTION / THREATS / STATUS: Northern White-faced Owl is widespread throughout Senegal in suitable habitat. Northern White-faced Owl Length : 24 à 28 cm  Northern White-faced Owl’s common call is a quiet “po-proo” with accentuated second note. PROTECTION / THREATS / STATUS: Chicks are fed and protected by both adults. They may also roost with other owls. Young move around the near branches at about 4 weeks, and begin to fly some days later. When disturbed, it adopts an erect posture, looking emaciated. His website : Incubation lasts about 30 days, shared by both parents. Female lays 2 to 4 shiny white eggs. Northern White-faced Owl is widespread throughout Senegal in suitable habitat. It has a conspicuous white facial disk bordered with black. They nest from May to November. It is locally common breeding resident and abundance varies locally. Prey is generally swallowed whole. Juvenile is brownish, with greyish-brown facial disk. They are also found in towns where they spend the day sleeping in holes in buildings. Feathered legs and feet are pale grey with black claws. It is locally common breeding resident and abundance varies locally. Ptilopsis leucotis has two subspecies: Ptilopsis leucotis leucotis and Ptilopsis leucotis margarethae. Both sexes are similar. RANGE: Pellets are usually regurgitated at the roost, and accumulate on the ground below if the site is used for some time. They live in Africa, from Sahara edges to South West Africa. Northern White-faced Owl feeds on insects, small birds, rodents and small mammals. Ptilopsis leucotis, BIOMETRICS: FLIGHT: Nd: Witwangdwergooruil, Jean Michel Peers Ital : Assiolo facciabianca Fr: Petit-duc à face blanche Northern White-faced Owl is a short-tailed Owl with prominent ear-tufts. We can see a line of white spots down each side of the back. Northern White-faced Owl feeds on insects, small birds, rodents and small mammals. Northern White-faced Owl has a silent flight diving on its prey from a perch. They are often seen in pairs at their usual roost. JMPN PHOTOGRAPHIE, Steve Garvie VOICE: SOUNDS BY XENO-CANTO DIET: REPRODUCTION: Northern White-faced Owl nests in abandoned nests of other species, often in a cavity in tree, but even on the ground. Bill is pale grey, darker at the base. Hunting & Food: The Northern White-faced Owl feeds on invertebrates such as moths, crickets, beetles, scorpions, and spiders, as well as small vertebrates such as reptiles, birds and mammals (especially rodents and shrews). Esp : Autillo de Cara Blanca They may prey upon larger prey than other owls. Large eyes are red to orange. They have very sensitive hearing and sight, and they are able to hear and see rodents running on the ground at night. To hunt, they perch on wires or cables to search for food. It has darker upperparts than whitish underparts. His website:

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