NOV 2020Dr. Frucht’s lab works with a weakened version of the bacteria that is incapable of causing anthrax in people, but is still very useful to study. - transmitted from one host to another - grow and reproduce - cause damage to the host - production of a toxin - inhibiting normal cell function - consuming nutrients (depriving host) - hijack cells to produce damaging proteins. In many ways, Koch’s postulates are still central to our current understanding of the causes of disease. The gram-positive bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, which causes the foodborne disease listeriosis, is one example that poses a serious risk to the fetus and can sometimes lead to spontaneous abortion. The concentration of pathogen needed to kill 50% of an infected group of test animals is the, Cilia, fimbriae, and pili are all examples of structures used by microbes for, http://cnx.org/contents/e42bd376-624b-4c0f-972f-e0c57998e765@4.2. Opportunistic pathogens normally do not cause infections in healthy humans but when the immune system is compromised or suppressed by for example cancer chemotherapy, other diseases (like HIV/AIDS) or malnutrition, the risk of infection increases. Establishing models to study the Zika virus and its effects on the central nervous system is important for the development and regulation of Zika therapeutics and vaccines. Transmission of infectious diseases from mother to baby is also a concern at the time of birth when the baby passes through the birth canal. The pathogen must be re-isolated from the new host and must be identical to the pathogen from postulate 2. Most pathogens are suited to a particular portal of entry. In addition, not all bacteria in a biofilm are rapidly growing; some are in stationary phase. Pathogens may produce exoenzymes or toxins, which serve as virulence factors that allow them to colonize and damage host tissues as they spread deeper into the body. A local infection is confined to a small area of the body, typically near the portal of entry. In 1884, Koch published four postulates that summarized his method for determining whether a particular microorganism was the cause of a particular disease: Each of Koch’s postulates represents a criterion that must be met before a disease can be positively linked with a pathogen. There he is to receive additional intravenous antibiotic therapy and fluids. When an infection becomes disseminated throughout the body, we call it a systemic infection. The labs have strict rules and regulations that are aimed at keeping the investigators and supporting staff safe. Shown are different portals of entry where pathogens can gain access into the body. [failed verification] A disease may be caused by external factors such as pathogens or by internal dysfunctions. However, even then, our research is performed using all the required procedures and containment controls. One of the genes in EHEC encodes for Shiga toxin, a bacterial toxin (poison) that inhibits protein synthesis. The resultant increase in vaginal pH allows overgrowth of Candida in the vagina. Viruses inhibit the synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins by host cells. In contrast, S. enterica serotype Typhi has a much higher ID50, typically requiring as many as 1,000 cells to produce infection. An opportunistic pathogen, by contrast, can only cause disease in situations that compromise the host’s defenses, such as the body’s protective barriers, immune system, or normal microbiota. These are harmful substances that poison the body’s tissues and enzymes. A sample of the discharge accompanies this slide to the microbiology lab to determine if there has been an increase in the population of yeast causing vaginitis. Doctors noticed almost two hundred years ago that toxins like mercury were causing “mad hatter disease.” It was also known that toxicity from leaded water pipes was a major cause of the decline of the Roman Empire. Most bacteria cause no harm to people, but there are exceptions. Substances produced by the bacterial cell – sometimes simply as a by-product of its normal metabolism – which interact negatively with our body, by interfering with the normal functioning. Protozoa, e.g. Yet, not all contacts result in infection and disease. We put together what we learn about the pathogens and what we know about the mechanism of action of the product to help us foresee the possible risks and to help us to ask the right questions to the sponsors. A pathogen’s specific virulence factors determine the degree of tissue damage that occurs. For example, the skin is a good natural barrier to pathogens, but breaks in the skin (e.g., wounds, insect bites, animal bites, needle pricks) can provide a parenteral portal of entry for microorganisms. By understanding what immune cells are important in the response to Zika infection and which contribute to the disease, we can perform better risk assessments for proposed therapeutics. Today’s physicians, patients, and researchers owe a sizable debt to the physician Robert Koch (1843–1910), who devised a systematic approach for confirming causative relationships between diseases and specific pathogens. For example, a dental hygienist nicking the gum with a sharp tool can lead to a local infection in the gum by Streptococcus bacteria of the normal oral microbiota. How do viruses cause disease? But under certain conditions, some organisms may cause disease.Some infectious diseases can be passed from person to person. In 1988, Stanley Falkow (1934–) proposed a revised form of Koch’s postulates known as molecular Koch’s postulates. Disease occurs when the cells in your body are damaged as a result of infection and signs and symptoms of an illness appear. I've had doctors prescribe me antibiotics for colds. Once adhesion is successful, invasion can proceed. There are, however, some 100 species of fungi that can cause disease in healthy individuals, and are classified as primary pathogens. Examples include Listeria monocytogenes and Shigella; these bacteria produce proteins that lyse the phagosome before it fuses with the lysosome, allowing the bacteria to escape into the phagocyte’s cytoplasm where they can multiply. Modern medicine has also developed many successful treatments to assist the body's natural defences. A key component of our mission is to ensure that decisions involving drug approvals are based on the best available science. Now, sometimes my lab works on microbes that serve as models for other more pathogenic microbes. A healthy test subject infected with the suspected pathogen must develop the same signs and symptoms of disease as seen in postulate 1. In a similar vein, some diseases do not have suitable animal models, which limits the utility of both the original and molecular postulates. The purpose of this lecture is to provide some basic concepts regarding the host-pathogen interaction. Glycocalyx produced by bacteria in a biofilm allows the cells to adhere to host tissues and to medical devices such as the catheter surface shown here. Some are obligate intracellular pathogens (meaning they can only reproduce inside of host cells) and others are facultative intracellular pathogens (meaning they can reproduce either inside or outside of host cells). Many pathogens are termed intracellular as they enter cells and it is here that they survive and multiply. Another is the Epstein-Barr virus, which is one of the most widely distributed viruses in humans, causing infectious mononucleosis. There are four kinds of pathogens: Bacteria, e.g. Although most bacteria are harmless or often beneficial, some are pathogenic, with the number of species estimated as fewer than a hundred that are seen to cause infectious diseases in humans. The first relates to postulate 1, which assumes that pathogens are only found in diseased, not healthy, individuals. Mucous Membrane . Some viruses are simply used as tools in the lab. Pathogens such as hepatitis B virus, herpes simplex virus, and HIV are frequently transmitted by asymptomatic carriers. Mucosal surfaces are the most important portals of entry for microbes; these include the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, and the genitourinary tract. It’s based on public health importance and on what will be needed to regulate anti-microbial and anti-viral therapies. Figure 3. The .gov means it’s official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Intracellular pathogens achieve invasion by entering the host’s cells and reproducing. An official website of the United States government, : Anthrax, HIV, Epstein-Barr virus, and the Zika virus, among many others are examples of pathogens that cause serious diseases. How do pathogens cause illness? Humans have an immune system, which can defend them from pathogens. When these pathogens come in contact with epithelial cells in the intestine, they secrete effector molecules that cause protrusions of membrane ruffles that bring the bacterial cell in. Pathogens that enter the body in this way are said to enter by the parenteral route. For example, the yeast Candida is part of the normal microbiota of the skin, mouth, intestine, and vagina, but its population is kept in check by other organisms of the microbiota. Pathogens can also enter through a breach in the protective barriers of the skin and mucous membranes. Likewise, without a suitable nonhuman host, a researcher cannot evaluate postulate 2 without deliberately infecting humans, which presents obvious ethical concerns. Exotoxins. We now know that individuals are not equally susceptible to disease. These are locations where the host cells are in direct contact with the external environment. Because climate change increases the severity and frequency of some major … Inactivating this gene reduces the bacteria’s ability to cause disease. This example continues Pankaj’s story that started in Characteristics of Infectious Disease. Sometimes, the high amount of pathogens causes damage by, for example stopping tissues functioning properly. Of course, there’s the human immunodeficiency virus – HIV, studied also by Dr. Clouse’s laboratory. Upon learning that Pankaj became sick the day after the party, the physician orders a blood test to check for pathogens associated with foodborne diseases. Babies whose mothers have active chlamydia or gonorrhea infections may be exposed to the causative pathogens in the vagina, which can result in eye infections that lead to blindness. The LD50 is the number of pathogenic cells, virions, or amount of toxin required to kill 50% of infected animals. CDER regulates many products used to treat patients with infectious diseases caused by pathogens, so it is important that we understand how infections become diseases and how pathogens interact within the human body. B. anthracis can produce different forms of disease, depending on the route of transmission (e.g., cutaneous injection, inhalation, ingestion). The pathogenicity of invasive bacteria, or their ability to cause disease, is generally the result of toxins. Highly virulent pathogens will almost always lead to a disease state when introduced to the body, and some may even cause multi-organ and body system failure in healthy individuals. With these models, we are specifically assessing the effect of the infection and of possible therapeutics on the central nervous system, particularly in newborns. There are many pathogens being studied at CDER’s Office of Biotechnology Products – from food and blood-borne bacteria, to infections caused by parasites, and viruses such as the Zika virus. Reproduction The number of pathogens rapidly increases. The next day, the microbiology lab confirms the presence of E. coli in Anita’s urine, which is consistent with the presumptive diagnosis.
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