NOV 20201,001 Series 7 Exam Practice Questions for Dummies, Characteristics of different investment companies, Direct Participation Programs and other types of partnerships. Packed with the latest information associated with this test, as well as proven test-taking strategies that are focused on maximizing your score, this easy-to-use and comprehensive text has been updated to support you in your test taking preparations. It may takes up to 1-5 minutes before you received it. Steven M. Rice earned an exceptionally high score on the Series 7 exam and soon began tutoring others in the broker dealership where he worked as a stockbroker. Sélectionnez une réponse plus sur une réponse plus court. Request permission to reuse content from this site, Part 1: Gearing Up For the Series 7 Exam 5, Chapter 1: So You Want to Sell Securities: Introducing the Series 7 Exam 7, One’s Not Enough: Tackling the Series 63 or Series 66 8, Understanding the Exam Format and Other Exam Details 13, Chapter 2: Preparing for the Series 7 Exam 19, Courses and Training Materials: Determining the Best Way to Study 19, Chapter 3: Examining and Mastering Question Types 31, Familiarizing Yourself with Question Formats 31, Shredding the Questions: Tips and Tricks 38, Part 2: Mastering Basic Security Investments 49, Chapter 6: Corporate Ownership: Equity Securities 65, Beginning with the Basics: Common Stock 65, Getting Preferential Treatment: Preferred Stock 71, Chapter 7: Debt Securities: Corporate and U.S Government Loans 77, Tackling Bond Terms, Types, and Traits 77, Making Basic Bond Price and Yield Calculations 81, Determining the Best Investment: Comparing Bonds 86, Playing It Safe: Short-Term Loans or Money Market Instruments 95, Chapter 8: Municipal Bonds: Local Government Securities 99, General Obligation Bonds: Backing Bonds with Taxes 99, Revenue Bonds: Raising Money for Utilities and Such 103, The Primary Market: Bringing New Municipal Bonds to Market 106, Examining Other Types of Municipal Bonds on the Test 109, Understanding the Taxes on Municipal Bonds 116, Part 3: Delving Deeper Into Security Investments 125, Chapter 9: Borrowing Money and Securities: The Long and Short of Margin Accounts 127, Introducing Long and Short Margin Accounts 128, Playing by the Federal Reserve Board’s Rules 129, Opening a Margin Account: The Initial Requirements 130, Calculating Debit and Equity in Long Margin Accounts 132, Making Short Work of Calculations in Short Margin Accounts 133, Let the Good Times Roll: Handling Excess Equity 135, Looking at Limits When the Market Goes the Wrong Way 140, Chapter 10: Delivering Diversification with Packaged Securities 145, Diversifying through Management Investment Companies 145, Considering Other Investment Company Options 157, Exploring Variable Life and Variable Universal Life Insurance 163, Chapter 11: Working with Direct Participation Programs 169, Searching for Identity: What DPPs Are (and Aren’t) 169, The DPP Characters: General and Limited Partners 170, Pushing through Partnership Paperwork 171, Passive Income and Losses: Looking at Taxes on Partnerships 173, Evaluating Direct Participation Programs 173, Chapter 12: Options: The Right to Buy or Sell at a Fixed Price 179, Mastering Complex Option Calculations 192, Part 4: Taking Care of Your Customers and Playing By The Rules 217, Chapter 13: Doing a Little Market Research: Portfolio and Securities Analysis 219, Knowing Your Customer: Portfolio Analysis 219, Knowing Your Securities and Markets: Securities Analysis 225, Chapter 14: Going to Market: Orders and Trades 237, Shopping at Primary and Secondary Markets 237, Understanding the Role of a Broker-Dealer 241, Designated Market Maker and the Super Display Book (SDBK) 248, Chapter 15: Making Sure the IRS Gets Its Share 253, Everything in Its Place: Checking Out Tax and Income Categories 253, Chapter 16: No Fooling Around: Rules and Regulations 271, The Market Watchdogs: Securities Regulatory Organizations 271, Following Protocol When Opening Accounts 273, Trading by the Book When the Account Is Open 284, Committing Other Important Rules to Memory 295, Chapter 18: Answers and Explanations to Practice Exam 1 323, Chapter 20: Answers and Explanations to Practice Exam 2 363, Chapter 21: Ten Series 7 Exam Traps to Avoid 383, Becoming Distracted When Others Finish 384, Trying to Work Out Equations in Your Head Instead of Writing Them Down 385, Spending Too Much Time on One Question 385, Changing Your Answers for the Wrong Reasons 386, Calculating Your Final Score Prematurely 386, Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Start Your Career Off Right 387, When a Security Falls, Don’t Be a Stranger 388, Appendix: Important Figures and Formulas 391. Here’s how you know where-in-the-money an option is: The intrinsic value of an option is the amount that the option is in-the-money; if an option is out-of-the-money or at-the-money, the intrinsic value is zero. Tu est prêt! Soulignez ou surligner les mots clés pour éviter détracteurs difficiles (à l'exception, à moins, pas). The following example shows you how an option may appear on the Series 7: Here are the seven elements of the option order ticket and how they apply to the example: A call option gives the holder (owner) the right to buy 100 shares of a security at a fixed price and the seller the obligation to sell the stock at the fixed price. Vous devez utiliser votre temps efficacement, et pour ce faire, vous devez saisir chaque instant de rechange et de la canaliser dans le temps de l'étude. He developed and designed the online Empire Stockbroker Training Institute and has coauthored a complete library of securities training materials. A bonus CD with another simulated practice test is also included. Whether you’re preparing to take the test for the first time or the fourth time, Series 7 For Dummies is the book for you! Download Product Flyer is to download PDF in new tab. Whether it’s to pass that big test, qualify for that big promotion or even master that cooking technique; people who rely on dummies, rely on it to learn the critical skills and relevant information necessary for success. L'examen des différents types de questions de l'examen et comment y répondre est une façon intelligente pour atteindre votre objectif de passer la Série 7. If ABC never drops below the 60 strike (exercise) price, then the option doesn’t work out for Mr. Jones and he doesn’t exercise the option. The certificate provided by an approved bank that guarantees that the underlying securities of an option contract are on deposit at the bank and will be delivered if the option is exercised. Download Product Flyer is to download PDF in new tab. The following example shows you how an option may appear on the Series 7: Buy 1 XYZ Apr 60 call at 5. It empowers you with the ability to think each problem through and get to the bottom of what’s being asked, providing you with everything you need and want to know about: Packed with valuable information and know-how, this no-nonsense guide provides a full-length practice exam with answers and explanations. To determine whether an option is in- or out-of-the-money, you have to figure out whether the investor would be able to get at least some of his or her premium money back if the option were exercised.
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