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Perhaps a bit too well versed in the pranks and swearing. Photograph: Ian Nicholson/PA. And this is not the first time Mordaunt has courted a bit of attention, remember. Portsmouth North MP Penny Mordaunt welcomes record recovery fund investment awards for Portsmouth. This week’s email will focus on safeguarding and access to treatment issues during the COVID-19 epidemic. Haven't I seen her somewhere away from politics? That figures for a Portsmouth MP. Arr! Dear Penny, During the COVID-19 epidemic, Age UK will be providing you with a brief, weekly email with resources and advice that you can share with older constituents. Occupation: Tory MP for Portsmouth North, parliamentary under-secretary at the Department for Communities and Local Government. Ms Mordaunt failed in her first attempt at the Portsmouth North seat in 2005, but overturned Labour’s majority to enter Parliament in 2010 and increased her share of the vote in each of the following polls. Born in Torquay as one of twins, Ms Mordaunt moved with her family to Portsmouth at the age of two. Well, she had got away with it until she confessed everything at an awards bash last week. Or minister for glass? The appointment comes despite Mr Williamson's "strenuous" denial that he was responsible for disclosing information about the Government's controversial 5G deal with Huawei. This week’s email will focus on safeguarding and access to treatment issues during the COVID-19 epidemic. Penny Mordaunt MP welcomes the Prime Minister's plan and vision for Brexit. If you come across issues relating to DNR in your constituency, please contact your local and national Age UK for information and advice on how to proceed. She went on Splash, that reality diving show, in January, and emerged with quite a bit of credit after giving all the money she earned to charity and performing one of the great belly-flops of the modern era. As punishment for some dining misdemeanour after a navy training course, she was told to say a rude word repeatedly in the House of Commons, and mention each of the names of the officers present. Her beat includes “coastal communities”. Ms Mordaunt replaces Gavin Williamson who was sensationally sacked hours earlier by Prime Minister Theresa May for leaking detail's from a National Security Council (NSC) meeting last month. All of your older constituents, people who have underlying health conditions, or are considered vulnerable, are being asked to stay inside for the foreseeable future. That’s a made-up job, surely? We believe that decisions about treatment should always be made on a case by case basis through honest discussion between doctors, patients and their families that factor in the risks, benefits, and people's wishes. She became a junior communities minister in 2014 and was then appointed the first female defence minister for the armed forces in UK history in 2015, and backed Andrea Leadsom in her unsuccessful bid to succeed Mr Cameron in 2016. However, Ms Mordaunt did not and her public show of support for the Prime Minister seems to have paid dividends with a promotion from International Development Secretary that is likely to please Eurosceptics. There is no reason to abandon this long-established good practice now; in fact, the current health emergency makes it more critical than ever that we keep it. That’s right. Of course it’s a real job! Is Ms Mordaunt a likely choice to be the new Defence Secretary? She was also once accused of trivialising Parliament after admitting she had smuggled repeated mentions of the word “c***” into a Commons speech as part of a bet with fellow reservists. 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For the sea-prankster, context be everything. She was Conservative head of youth under Sir John Major and worked in William Hague’s press office during his leadership, as well as in the 2004 election campaign of former US president George W Bush. So she be well versed in the ways of a sea dog? Ms Mordaunt is a prominent Leave campaigner, and last year there was speculation she might resign over Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement.

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