worldfactsinc - Non Latin Script Languages Of The World It is spoken by more than a million people who make up about 7% of the country's population. A good surviving example of this process is the line in western Europe dividing the Romance languages (those deriving from a 'Roman' example) from the Germanic tongues. Countries of Europe - Nations Online You won't have to go far to find an English speaking country in Europe as there are over 370 million English speakers out of about 450 million EU residents! However, all speakers of these languages are also familiar with Standard Italian, which is often spoken with an accent based on the local language. Languages of Africa It is spoken by around 9.7 crore people in India that is around 8% of the total population of India. Most countries in Northern The table below lists the official language of each country, if there is one, as well as other languages spoken. 5 Things to Know About the Many Languages Spoken in Europe ... The unique aspect of Russian language is that most Russian speakers only know Russian and no other language, except a meager 5% of the population. 9. When we count the top 10 most spoken languages according to the total number of people who speak them (whether or not the language is their mother tongue), eight of the 10 languages from the list above still make an appearance, but with a few major differences: English narrowly edges out Chinese for the top spot, Japanese and Punjabi lose their spots, and French and Indonesian join the top 10 . Today, it is still the most common second language in some of . Lastly, Russian is the language not to be forgotten as it is spoken by 5% of Europe. The primary languages spoken in the Republic of Ireland are English and the Celtic language of Gaelic. German. All modern Germanic languages derive from a common ancestor traditionally referred to as *Proto-Germanic, believed to have broken off from other *Proto-Indo-European languages some time before 500 B.C. english, irish, welsh, Gaelic . Previously one of the official languages of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, German remained an important second language in much of Central and Eastern Europe long after the dissolution of that empire after World War I. 3. Russian - 258 million speakers . What language group is spoken in the country shaped like a boot? Northern Europe: Northern lights, also known as Aurora borealis, over the Lyngen fjord in Troms county of Norway. (Since the Roma are a nomadic community, these figures are most likely underestimates.) Western Punjabi. The Niger-Congo language family is the largest group of Africa (and probably of the world) in terms of the number of languages. For example, the local languages in Northern Italy developed independently from Standard Italian, which is based on the language spoken in Tuscany, and are not considered dialects of Italian. In other areas, like the huge Western Desert, dialects of one language are spoken. Knowing at least one of the 6 Most Widely Spoken Languages In Europe can be really helpful if you're planning to pack your things and go on vacation or planning to work in the Old continent . We translate and localize to/from over 215 languages, and we interpret into/from over 115 languages, including all the major European, Asian, American, African, Indian and Middle Eastern languages. Ancient Rome also influenced the Romance languages spoken throughout much of Europe. The language was initially spoken in cities and was gradually adopted by people living in rural areas. Besides Spain, it is also used in Gibraltar, Andorra, Latin America and North America. Language Spoken At Home #1. Unit 6: Western Europe Test Review What are the two main languages spoken in Spain? English, along with a host of languages spoken in Europe, Russia, and India, belong to the Indo-European family of languages. It is the official language of Mongolia and is also used by some of its surrounding areas. All languages recognize two genders, masculine and feminine, and use articles before the noun (except in Romanian, where they follow the noun). There are over 30 languages spoken in Europe today. Guess what the most widely spoken language is. The colonial history of France has helped . People who live in Ireland refer to the latter language as Irish, which is a more casual way of talking about the language in . All languages in this branch are extinct. The third family is represented by one language spoken in the northwestern Spain in the Pyrennees mountains, Basque. However, all speakers of these languages are also familiar with Standard Italian, which is often spoken with an accent based on the local language. Connecticut. Some countries have even more than one national language. Tandem Language Exchange App | Find Conversation Exchange . 8. In fact, most of Europe and many parts of Asia speak an Indo-European language. Most Europeans speak an Indo-European language. In a 2012 European Commission survey, the five most widely spoken languages in the EU were shown to be English (38%), French (12%), German (11%), Spanish (7%) and Russian (5%). It originated from the Indo-European linguistic family from Gaul. The most dominant religious affiliation in the south is Roman Catholicism, except in Greece, where the Eastern (Greek) Orthodox Church is prominent. The World's Most Spoken Languages. Indo-European languages developed during the Neolithic times in the Middle East. That's nearly 42% of the global population, and it makes Indo-European the most commonly spoken language family. English used to be the second-most common language, but Spanish-speakers have increased much more rapidly over the past 20 years. There are three main language families in Europe. The Burmese language is the official language of Myanmar. Officials estimate that about 95 million people speak German as a first language. Being one of the most important languages of business throughout the world makes English speaking jobs very easy to encounter!. One of its salient features is an elaborate noun class system with grammatical concord.The vast majority of languages of this family are tonal such as Yoruba and Igbo.A major branch of Niger-Congo languages is the Bantu family, which covers a greater geographic area . Each language's phonology, morphology, and syntax is presented, along with occasional mention of the lexicon. 1. The ancient Phoenician language, spoken in north Africa and the eastern Mediterranean coastal regions from around the third century to the tenth century, is the common ancestor of today's modern alphabets.. In Australia there are more than 250 Indigenous languages including 800 dialects. Russian is the official language of Russia and is also spoken in Ukraine, Latvia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Lithuania, countries of the . What are the 2 major language groups in Western Europe? . Here's a look at the four official languages of Spain and where they are spoken: 1. The Roman Catholic Church had a great deal of political, intellectual, and spiritual power throughout Europe, which it retained up until the Reformation. Through immigration, they spread into Europe and displaced/drove out the languages that were originally spoken on the continent. French is the official language of over 29 countries throughout the world, and it is the second-most widely spoken first language in the European Union. Russian. The largest is the Indo-European language family, with six sub-families represented in Europe. You can click on the map above to get a visual relationship of the languages and the countries they are attached to. Mongolian is spoken by approximately 2,000,000 people. The most widely spoken languages of Africa, Swahili (100 million), Yoruba (20 million), Igbo (21 million), and Fula (13 million) all belong to the Niger-Congo family. Interestingly, there are actually 1,526 Niger-Congo languages altogether, though only 12 are represented here. French is considered a Romance language and is the official language in France, Monaco, and Western Switzerland, among others. Its speakers, 265.0 million in total, are found in 18 countries, including Israel and China. We all know at least one person who when going on holiday to Spain learns the phrase 'Hola, una cerveza por . For example, the local languages in Northern Italy developed independently from Standard Italian, which is based on the language spoken in Tuscany, and are not considered dialects of Italian. This and other languages spoken in the country will be discussed in brief below. What has encouraged people from all over the world to move to western europe? The Niger-Congo languages inhabit Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Africa. Korean is the formal language of both the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea. Most Europeans speak an Indo-European language. Other languages were Lydian (spoken by a people who ruled the south coast of Anatolia), Lycian (spoken by a Hellenic culture along the western coastal regions), Luwian (spoken in ancient Troy) and Palaic. Due to its wide influence in two of Europe's major countries, Romanian deserves a place on the list. This is the second most spoken language in Guatemala after Spanish. Although small in area, Europe has been a world interaction zone of people and cultures. Both Dutch and Flemish are made up of a number of dialect. The Russian language is Slavic, from the Indo-European linguistic family. Different varieties of Korean are spoken in every nation-state. Russia is a large country, and it was even larger when it was the Soviet Union — so it should come as no surprise that Russian is one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world. The English language, and indeed most European languages, traces it original roots back to a Neolithic (late Stone Age) people known as the Indo-Europeans or Proto-Indo-Europeans, who lived in Eastern Europe and Central Asia from some time after 5000 BC (different hypotheses suggest various different dates anywhere between the 7th and the 3rd millennium BC). United States. The English language diffused to North America through the process of contagious diffusion. Europe - Europe - Religions: The majority of primary culture groups in Europe have a single dominant religion, although the English, German, Swiss, Hungarian, and Netherlandic groups are noteworthy for the coexistence of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. This language is spoken by the 70 to 80 million peoples only in the turkey, but the number of the Turkish language speakers is very high around the world because of its popularity and sweetness. It's also the fourth most spoken language in the UK. Through painstaking research, we now have conclusive evidence for the genetic relationships of the major languages of the world. What are the major languages spoken in the United Kingdom? A key cultural component that shapes national and cultural identity in Europe is language. D) The English language was established as the official language of all of the British colonies in North America. What language group is spoken in the U.S.? Most Europeans speak an Indo-European language. Answer (1 of 23): Dutch (Nederlands) and Flemish (Vlaams) are generally spoken only by natives and others who have family in the Netherlands or Flanders and those foreigners who spend time living there, they are relatively minor languages. There are over 30 languages spoken in Europe today. The language was initially spoken in cities and was gradually adopted by people living in rural areas. Christian missionaries were responsible for the spread of the language among the indigenous population. Percentage of the total population living in households in which a given language is spoken at home. Afroasiatic Other Indo-European languages. What language group is spoken in the France? That's right, English. As such, it is a highly diverse place with many different cuisines, cultures, and languages. Most people who speak this language have a working understanding of Spanish. Note: EU countries are marked with an asterisk (*); EFTA member . Romance languages are spoken all throughout Western Europe, however, if you mean where the languages originate, then that is a difference story. K'iche' language has five main dialects. Navigation map and statistical summary of the language situation for Europe The main languages of Iberia and Italy are based on the Romance language group, and Greek is an independent branch of the Indo-European language family. The second is the Finno-Ugric family, with three languages represented in Northeast Europe and eastern Europe. employment and economic growth. This covers all of the major recognized languages in each country. So what we have put together here is a map of the most spoken/official language of the countries of Europe. That's because both languages are part of the Indo-European language family. Around the world, 3.2 billion people speak an Indo-European language. Image: Simo Räsänen Northern Europe refers to the portion of Europe to the north of Western Europe, the English Channel, and the Baltic Sea; it also includes the Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Their language is the only pre-Roman language still spoken in southwestern Europe. In the late 1970s, Spain granted the Basque region self-rule. Although it is considered one of the least spoken languages in the world, it is still a significant Asian language. Did you know that with approximately 40 million people who speak Burmese, Burmese is actually a more widely spoken language than some minor European languages like Swedish? The English language diffused to North America through the process of contagious diffusion. Map of the Languages of Europe. These are Central, North, South, East and West. Spanish is the second most used language with over 430 million speakers. The Korean Language. Still, scholars have named English the world's "most influential language," due to the number of speakers (378 million) and the number of countries in which it is spoken. Over time, it diffused throughout the population from the colonial leadership to the population. The EU uses English as its default language though French and German are also widely used across the continent. Here are the language origins of the 100 most spoken languages: Indo-European languages have the widest spread worldwide. It is mostly spoken in Asia, especially in China. 0% 5% 10% Count Spanish Portuguese Polish Italian Chinese 1 French 2 Haitian. The Basque people live in the western foothills of the Pyrenees. We recognise that the term "official language" can be somewhat debated. There are over 30 languages spoken in Europe today. Romance and Germanic languages. THE MAJOR LANGUAGES OF EASTERN EUROPE, edited by Bernard Comrie and published in 1990, is a selection from THE WORLD'S MAJOR LANGUAGES, Routledge's 1987 general overview. Chinese is the most spoken language in the world with over 1.2 million speakers. • In Europe, most Jews live in France, the U.K. Russia, and countries once part of the Soviet Union 13. 4. Each language is specific to a particular place and people. There are two extant major sub . Russia is a huge market and Russian is one of the languages of the future that should be favorably considered. This language is most spoken languages in the Turkic language and its a good language to speak. However, it mostly varies in terms of usage, words, pronunciation, and phonetic form in the Indian states. It is an Indian-Aryan language that is mostly spoken in South Asia including various states of India. note: only the 24 official languages are listed; German, the major language of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, is the most widely spoken mother tongue - about 16% of the EU population; English is the most widely spoken foreign language - about 29% of the EU population is conversant with it (2020) Enjoying a heavy domination in the East, there is somewhat little exposure in the Western part of Europe. The national language of Castilian is official through out the country, and is one of the most spoken languages in the world. Through immigration, they spread into Europe and displaced/drove out the languages that were originally spoken on the continent. French is spoken by more than 66 million people in Europe, making it the continent's third most commonly spoken language. Even with such a drastic interruption of unity in Ireland, the entire island is considered part of Western Europe. 10. Marathi In some areas like Arnhem Land, many different languages are spoken over a small area. It developed from the Polanian dialect, which was popular in Kyiv, the capital of the first East Slavic state 1,000 years ago, Kyivan Rus. The Indo European language family is widely used in many parts of Europe, the Americas, and in Southern and Western Asia. Scope: population of the United States and Connecticut. A few facts about the Western Punjabi language: Punjabi is a tonal language. Translation and Localization of Western European Languages. Germanic languages are spoken by close to 470 million people in many parts of the world, but mainly in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. This is particularly interesting because while most languages in Europe use the Latin alphabet, Russian uses the Cyrillic alphabet instead. There are eight alphabet groups in use today - Arabic, Aramaic, Armenian, Brahmi, Cyrillic, Georgian, Greek and Latin (The one that you are reading this page in). That last one, Russian, is not an official language, but is spoken by a sizable number of people. subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages, spoken by about 470 million people in many parts of the world, but chiefly in Europe and the Western Hemisphere. Indo-European languages developed during the Neolithic times in the Middle East. The Most Spoken Languages In Europe. According to Ethnologue, the language family contains over 3 billion speakers in total. That doesn't account for the many millions more who know it as a second language or are proficient but not fluent. Language Scientific is a full-service corporate language services provider. 3) English. Spanish is a native language of Spain and was spread to other countries during the colonial period. 2) Bengali. The continent of Europe is made up of 45 different countries and covers an area of 3,930,000 square miles (10,180,000 sq km). Eastern Romance, which includes the Romance languages of Eastern Europe, such as Romanian. 1. It comprises 446 living languages, representing 6.2% of all languages in the world.Some three billion or 46.32% speak the languages belong to the Indo European language family. Christian missionaries were responsible for the spread of the language among the indigenous population. 5. The main language spoken in South Korea is Korean. Hittite is the earliest Indo-European language known in Europe. This is a very idiosyncratic volume. Tandem Language Exchange App | Find Conversation Exchange . Pakistan, and the Caribbean. Diversity in European Languages Today • Many countries have more than one official language • Because of the many different ethnic groups that are present in Europe • Many countries share borders, and people move back and forth across borders • About 400 million people in the world speak English because it is often the choice for a Spain has had an ongoing conflict with a minority group. In contrast, there is no conclusive evidence relating Japanese to a single family of languages. The Romance family includes Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian (the result of a successful Roman campaign in the 2nd century AD). The western languages generally use /s/ as a plural marker, though it is silent in spoken French, while the eastern languages such as Italian and Romanian use vowels. Perhaps a surprise for many individuals, Russian tops this list as the most spoken language in Europe with roughly 140 million native speakers on the continent! The History of Russian. The country's principal language, Russian, is the eighth most spoken language. This means that tone is used to indicate meaning much like in Vietnamese or Chinese. E) The English language became a widely spoken language in North America in the twentieth century. Europe is a continent with many countries (about 50) and almost each country has its own language, known as the national language. In selected countries, the percent of the population that speaks each language is also given. 2. The Germanic languages make up the predominant language family in Western, Northern and Central Europe.An estimated 210 million Europeans are native speakers of Germanic languages, the largest groups being German (c. 95 million), English (c. 70 million), Dutch (c. 24 million), Swedish (c. 10 million), Danish (c. 6 million), and Norwegian (c. 5 million).. German served as a lingua franca in large portions of Europe for centuries, mainly the Holy Roman Empire.. People who live in Ireland refer to the latter language as Irish, which is a more casual way of talking about the language in . Burmese script uses a Brahmic script; yet, the language has no connection to Indo-Tibetan languages such as Sanskrit. Like its languages, Europe's religious divisions fall into three broad variants of a common ancestor, plus distinctive faiths adhered to . Punjabi is a language spoken in India and Eastern Pakistan. Spoken majorly in Romania and Moldova, this Balkan Romance language is the mother tongue to over 26 million people and the second language to another 4 million. The Germanic languages are a branch of the Indo-European language family spoken natively by a population of approximately 500 million people mainly in North America, Oceania, Central Europe, Western and Northern Europe The West Germanic branch includes the two most widely spoken Germanic languages: English, with approximately 360-400 million native speakers, and German, with over 100 million . German is one of the world's most prominent languages and is the most widely spoken native tongue in the European Union. Click the link for more information. Learn more about the Niger-Congo language family on Ethnologue. The primary languages spoken in the Republic of Ireland are English and the Celtic language of Gaelic. The most spoken languages of Northern Europe include Swedish, Finnish, Danish . The Language s of Europe. But some Basques want complete independence and have used violence to fight for it. Spanish or Castilian. View Notes - Unit 6 Western Europe Test Review from JAPN 112 at Joliet Junior College. The main subfamilies that have been proposed by Ethnologue within the various classification schemes for Romance languages are: Italo-Western, the largest group, which includes languages such as Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, and French. Quick Quiz! What language is based on the Greek alphabet? Slavic languages, also called Slavonic languages, group of Indo-European languages spoken in most of eastern Europe, much of the Balkans, parts of central Europe, and the northern part of Asia.The Slavic languages, spoken by some 315 million people at the turn of the 21st century, are most closely related to the languages of the Baltic group (Lithuanian, Latvian, and the now-extinct Old . Most Widely Spoken Languages ___ Official and Spoken Languages of European Countries. Minority language in: Poland, Widely spoken in: Israel, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia. List of official, national and spoken Languages of Europe. Even with such a drastic interruption of unity in Ireland, the entire island is considered part of Western Europe. Romance languages are languages that formed out of Latin, which was the main language of Ancient Rome. Romani, a language spoken by Europe's Roma people, appears as a language primarily used at home in Bulgaria (6%), the Czech Republic (2%), Hungary (2%) and Slovakia (1%). The Indo-European languages include some 449 (SIL estimate, 2018 edition) language families spoken by about or more than 3.5 billion people (roughly half of the world population).Most of the major languages belonging to language branches and groups of Europe, and western and southern Asia, belong to the Indo-European language family.Therefore, Indo-European is the biggest language family in . Bengali is the second most spoken language of India and is known as Bangla.

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